Bookmarked “Montaigne“.
Make a website, blog, or portfolio using nothing but Apple Notes.
Bookmarked “Montaigne“.
Make a website, blog, or portfolio using nothing but Apple Notes.
Bookmarked “Teenage Skeuomorphic Desktop Designs“.
Bookmarked “Auxl“.
Auxl is a native API client for macOS. Its powerful node based system provides a whole new way to organise, test, and develop APIs.
Bookmarked “CodeEdit“.
A lightweight, natively built editor. Open source. Free forever.
Bookmarked “My Knowledge Wiki | Everything I know“:
This is my personal wiki where I share everything I know about this world in form of an online wiki built with Docusaurus on GitHub.
Bookmarked “Grila – Calendar for keyboard addicts“:
Calendar for keyboard addicts instantly available on a hotkey
Bookmarked “Infinite Mac“.
Bookmarked “GTD Dictionary“.
Twitter Officially Bans All Third-Party Apps
Twitter today confirmed that it is no longer permitting third-party developers to create Twitter clients, with the information quietly shared in an updated developer agreement that was spotted by Engadget. A new clause under Restrictions says that developers are not able to “create a substitute or similar service or product to the Twitter Applications.”
The continued genius of Space Karen just impresses me.
This is the final nail in the coffin of Twitterrific and Tweetbot. These were great apps!
Speaking of 43 Folders:
A tickler file is an analog reminder system: a way to deliver documents and information to your future self.
Think of it as a physical mail box, linked to your calendar. Think of it as your calendar’s snail mail service.
Bookmarked “WinterFest 2022“.
This is why I don’t use 1Password’s custom sync engine.
iA Presenter looks really nice.
Make Your Paper Notebooks Useful: Capture Your Ideas with a Capture Notebook
I keep my capture notebook with me at all times. It is my thoughts and ideas in-box. Interesting and useful thoughts come to me quite often when I’m on a walk, or puttering around the house.
I also keep a Capture Wallet with me most of the time.
Read “Making time to think“.
neilsardesai/Manila: A Finder extension for changing folder colors:
Manila is a Finder extension that lets you change the colors of your folders from the context menu.
Read “My Life in 3×5 – Rhoneisms“.
Bookmarked “Winnie Lim » this website as a learning and reflection tool“:
This website is essentially a repository of my memories, lessons I’ve learnt, insights I’ve discovered, a changelog of my previous selves. Most people build a map of things they have learnt, I am building a map of how I have come to be, in case I may get lost again. Maybe someone else interested in a similar lonely path will feel less alone with my documented footprints. Maybe that someone else would be me in the future. Maybe all of this would be interesting when I am dead, assuming I find a way to keep this site alive.
Portable thoughts is a website built using a single HTML file.
It simply uses URL
and the:target
CSS selector to show and hide “pages”. The result is a self-contained website, digital book, interactive document, or whatever you want to call it.
So, you have a single HTML file that contains everything and is easily navigable without any JavaScript by just showing and hiding sections via CSS. This is smart.
I don’t know what I’m going to use this idea yet, but it will be useful one day.
Bookmarked “How to use Reddit via web feeds | Hund“.
I mostly use the default contexts list. It’s not a coincidence that David Allen still recommends these. Sure, you have to remix them to your liking, but you also have to define clear edges for each of them so you’ll know which one to use at which time.
Here are mine:
- Nearcut: my day job, which is mainly development. These tasks require a different mindset, so it makes sense to group them.
- Freelance: yet another computer context. I have a bunch of freelance projects that I do as a side job.
- Decoding: I write a blog, record podcasts, and such. Next actions that require a deep work mindset, but not related to work, go here.
- Computer: I can do general things (admin, web browsing etc.) at my MacBook Pro or my iPad Pro. Sometimes I have specific next actions for a specific device, but it’s rare.
- Crafting: next actions related to keeping a Zettelkasten system maintained (kinda like my Budget context). These actions usually link to notes (and sometimes project plans, mindmaps) that I want to develop further and add it to my slipbox which I keep in Craft.
- Budget: a helpful one when I’m doing YNAB, or I have to do something on my bank’s web app.
- Calls: calls (and sometimes messages).
- Home: to have something to do when I’m not at any of my computers.
- Errands: well, errands to run.
- Groceries: a shared groceries list with my wife.
- Agendas: I keep people and meeting related agendas here.
- Waiting for: Stuff I’m waiting on from people. I add the date as well to each of these reminders and review them every other day.
I also keep a list of lists that collects all of my next actions list, my Read/Review lists, my video, and audio-related lists as well (Apple TV, Netflix, Prime Video, Podcasts). Why do I have this? Because I want to keep track of which list is for what, so I keep clean edges in my system (and easily create posts like this).
Snapdrop is a great tool to have on your tool belt when you want to “airdrop” something to non-Apple platforms. It is P2P, so your files won’t be sent to a server.
Nowadays, I use SVG icons everywhere, but preparing them is quite time-consuming. This website could help pick and use nicely designed ones for your next project.
A really nice remake of the classic Aqua wallpaper.