Let’s start listening to this beast.
Continuing my idea of Drafts is a digital Hipster PDA, here’s a video of Patrick Rhone talking about the same idea but for Notes.
I’m actually re-reading/browsing the archives of minimalmac.com, so there will be a couple of posts linking to old, but still usable Mac tips and workflows.
Sometimes we forget that there is gold hidden in these old blog archives.
Liked “ The iPad, Apple pundits and reality“.
Other than Apple’s official documentation, what are the best sources on learning AppKit?
Follow-up: I got my Things Box!
The next decade of innovation is ahead of us, which means that the Web 2.0 “r” suffix (Flickr, Tumblr, etc) will be replaced with InsertNameHere AI.
Liked “Things Box 5×5 by culturedcode“.
My wife is gonna kick my ass, but I ordered one. It’s so cute!
Actually not a bad idea for nested CSS. 🧐
Greg Pierce: “Really Bad SwiftUI Advice: Use…” – Mastodon:
Really Bad SwiftUI Advice: Use @Iconfactory‘s xScope alignment guides so you can find where the dang closing brace if for the views you nested way too deeply!
I was thinking about installing a new Mastodon instance and creating a new account. Still, this blog is already capable of RSS and ActivityPub, so I’m not sure if I need the social aspect of yet another social network. I simply want to blog. It’s an easy to follow concept, and I have comments open if you want to leave a reply.
There is a way to follow me on Mastodon, though; you can do it by pasting the following handle into Mastodon’s search bar:
Elon Musk is the best thing that happened to RSS in years.
This is just a test to see if Brid.gy POSSE works from a client.
Okay, I’m turning back post syndication to my Twitter feed. You should be able to follow me there too, but I would recommend Mastodon or Micro.blog.
Sometimes I forget how superb Micro.blog is. I can interact with Mastodon users but can also post directly to my blog.
Today’s notetakers be like:
Hello, [[this]] is [[my]] [[Zettelkasten]] which I use [[for]] [[writing]] all kinds of [[articles]] for the [[web]] about [[my]] [[Zettelkasten]].
Reply to
:Milyen automatizációid vannak? Érdekelne.
- Pick Date: megjelenít egy date pickert, kiválasztok egy dátumot és azt a clipboardra másolja YYYY-MM-dd formátumban.
- Podcast Note: leállítja az adott podcast lejátszást, bekér egy szöveget, beírom, elmenti, majd folytatja a podcast lejátszását.
- Take a Nap: beállít egy ébresztőt 25 perccel későbbre és bekapcsolja a “Hagyjál békén” fókuszt szintén 25 perce.
- Archive: bezippeli a kijelölt doksit, mappát és elteszi az Archive lemezemre.
- Archive to Disk Image: hasonló mint az előző, csak DMG-t készít.
- Track in Tyme: (time tracking), a kijelöt Things to-do projektjét elkezdi trackelni a Tyme-ban.
- Weekly Log: lementi az adott héten történt eseményeket, elvégzett tennivalókat egy listaként a Day One-ba.
- Quick Share: feltölti a blogom szerverére a kijelölt fájlt és visszatér egy linkkel.
- Post to Decoding: gyors státusz posztolása a blogomra.
- Respond: adott weblapot tudok lájlolni, bookmarkolni, kommentelni a blogommal és egy kis Indie Web magic-kel.
- Search Live Video of Current Song: az éppen Musicban játszott zene live verziójára rákeres YouTube-on.
- Translate to (Hungarian|English): kijelölt szöveget lefordítja a Google Translate-tel egy pici pop-up ablakban.
- Export OTP XLS to YNAB: az új OTP netbankról letöltött XLS-t kiexportálja Numbersből és átalakítja olyan CSV formátumba, amit be tudok egyből importálni a YNAB-be.
- Make Monthly Invoice Project: létrehozza a havi számlázási projekteket Thingsben külön minden ügyfélre.
- Show (Radar|Cloud Cover): letölti az Időképről a radar vagy felhőképet és betölti egy kis QuickLook ablakban.
I built a completely responsive 12-6-4 columns grid component built on top of GitHub’s ViewComponent gem and the CSS Grid Layout.
Here’s a demo:
Liked “(mac)OStalgia – Hello. I'm Michael.“.
Today is my last workday for this year. I finished so many cool Rails projects this year at Nearcut.
Now I can play.
Liked “Email is the antidote“.
So this is my workflow for blogging from Craft at the moment. It is fine, but I’m eager to write an extension that does this automatically, maybe with post formats and image uploads too.
I should try to create a Craft extension to post stuff here directly. They have some examples which can post to Medium or Ghost, no WordPress though… Although the best would be to have real-time sync of an outline, something similar to Dave Winer’s workflow. I almost automated this for OmniOutliner once before.
Reply to
:I’ve never understood why people use high/low energy contexts. For myself, what constitutes a high energy task can change from day to day. Some days I’m in the mood for creative work like mindmapping and brainstorming, and digging into financial spreadsheets can seem like heavy work. Other days Im in the mood for procedural work and creative thinking requires more brain power.
Me neither.
I don’t even understand how you can get an objective filter on being in a “high level” or “low level” state. It’s too black and white, I usually somewhere in the middle.
When I feel tired, I don’t even remember that I use GTD and have a menu of options to pick something from. Even when I do remember to review appropriate context lists, I don’t start to think about energy levels. I’m tired, I just naturally pick something easy from my Computer or my Home list, or just don’t give a damn and watch something from my Read/Watch list (or start scrolling RSS/Twitter/Reddit)
Absolutely nothing is enabled with this Focus.
Apparently, you can change the mouse pointer’s color and outline in macOS Monterey. Go to System Preferences/Accessibility/Display/Pointer
and pick your colors.