complete list of siri voice commands
Bookmarked “Soonie”
Managing time during a busy day can be a challenge. Focusing on your free time between your meetings or appointments helps you navigate through this stressful day more calmly.
From the makers of Tyme, my time tracking app of choice.
Bookmarked “Mind map & Outline Ideas – Escape”
Escape is your place to jot down notes & ideas, connect and develop them, and bring them to life.
Bookmarked “Minus”
Minus is a finite social network where you get 100 posts—for life.
Bookmarked “Tofu · Amar Sagoo”
Tofu was designed to help you read text on your Mac.
Text is often very wide, making it hard for your eyes to jump from the end of one line to the beginning of the next. That’s why newspapers have narrow columns: it makes them faster to read. Another problem is that vertical scrolling can be disorienting, as lines of text all look pretty much the same and are hard to track as they move.
Fuck yeah, there is an update to Tofu!
Bookmarked “Tech Independence | Derek Sivers”
Bookmarked “Card Buddy | Card Buddy: organize your thoughts and ideas using index cards on the Mac.”
A Virtual Corkboard for Your Notes
Index card lovers rejoice! Your brainstorming tool is here.
Bookmarked “OpenAny: macOS app and file launching springboard”
macOS app and file launcher for simple scripting.
Bookmarked “iA Markdown Dictionary”
Need to quickly learn or recall Markdown syntax? Our Markdown Dictionary is here to help. It’s a standard macOS dictionary built for the Dictionary app, so it’s compatible with iA Writer, iA Presenter, and other Mac apps too.
Read “Getting an Unread Badge Count For the Docked Gmail Web App in macOS”
Bookmarked “Integration script for Sonar – Share Hookmark automation – Hookmark Forum”
I just started using Sonar which is a new GitHub/GitLab issue tracker client available as a TestFlight beta.
I found that the app has a URL scheme, so asked developers if it was implemented, and they were kind enough to give me a brief documentation, just enough to create a starter script for myself.
Bookmarked “Exporter”
Export all your notes from Apple Notes to Markdown/HTML with attachments.
I don’t have a need for this, but it’s good to know that it exists.
Bookmarked “Sonar – Native App for GitHub/GitLab Issues”
Sonar is a new native Mac app for viewing and editing GitHub/GitLab issues. It’s lightning fast and stores your tasks locally so viewing, searching, and editing is instant (even offline).
I was looking for something like this for a while now.
Bookmarked “Breaks – Focus timer for iOS”
After a stupid rejection from Apple, Breaks finally got released:
Breaks helps you do your best work. Breaks lets you easily timebox your work and ensure you’re taking adequate breaks, so you can focus better and be more productive. Oh, and it’s free.
Read “No Influence |”
Speaking of social media, that’s a very distracting place to post to. You see the feed before anything. It’s far too easy to get sucked into that feed before you remember why you came on there in the first place. At that point, I question what my purpose is being on there at all. You’re there to get attention. Bar none.
I don’t really have a need for a sticky notes app, but I like the design of this one. I have an affection for yellow notepad designs.
Read “How I build a feature”
There are a lot of good Git workflow patterns here.
Bookmarked “Plaintext GTD using Taskpaper Syntax – GTDist”
A nice tutorial on using GTD with TaskPaper.
Read “On macOS, it’s best to start with the default – Six Colors”
But the truth is, unless you’re a longtime Mac user who has integrated your personal collection of utilities into the way you use your Mac, you might not need all that much. So that’s my advice for people getting new Macs who don’t carry that legacy with them: Start with what’s there and then explore when you find where the built-in tools can’t meet your needs.
Bookmarked “TimeStory: Timeline creation app for Mac”
TimeStory is a Mac app for illustrating events on a timeline, designed to help you easily create plans and roadmaps, capture history, tell stories, and more.
Next to professional tools like OmniPlan or Aeon Timeline, this app seems simple and easy to use, made by one guy.
Bookmarked “zenangst/KeyboardCowboy”
The missing keyboard shortcut utility for macOS
It’s like the free version of Keyboard Maestro.
Read “How I Take and Publish Notes – Jim Nielsen’s Blog”
Jim writing about his reading note publishing process:
I like to let my notes sit for a couple days (or even weeks). I find that if I come back to a note and still find it interesting/insightful that means it’s worth keeping, so I put in the work of cleaning it up and publishing it.
I don’t do this. If I see something interesting, I usually publish it immediately (like this post). On the other hand, I have a Zettelkasten site, which contains more in-depth notes that are also coming from reading notes. However, that site is so new that I haven’t really published anything that counts as reading notes there yet.
Bookmarked “You don’t need JavaScript for that – HTMHell”
Just because you know something needs JavaScript, doesn’t mean it still does. You can make better websites if you test those assumptions every now and then.
Bookmarked “OPML-compatible apps”
These apps can edit OPML files, or import and export OPML.
Bookmarked “ – One-Time Purchase Web, Windows & Mac apps”
There are some cool Mac apps listed here with a one time price.
Bookmarked “Vadim Demedes”
He does some interesting apps. Too bad that all of them are built in Electron.
Bookmarked “Type – Take notes without interrupting your flow”
Take notes without interrupting your flow.
Type lets you quickly jot things down with the timestamp attached, without interrupting your flow.
Very interesting use of text files. I want to integrate this app into my workflow somehow.
Bookmarked “When is the week end?”
This is nice.
Read “Production design of “True Detective” – interview with Alex DiGerlando · Pushing Pixels”
Midway through the interview we talk about his work as the production designer on the “Beasts of the Southern Wild”, and then dig deep into the strikingly designed worlds of the first two seasons of “True Detective”.
I loved season one of True Detective.
Read “Neil Gaiman’s Radical Vision for the Future of the Internet – Cal Newport”
Between 2012 to 2022, we came to believe that the natural structure for online interaction was for billions of people to all use the same small number of privately-owned social platforms. We’re increasingly realizing now that it was this centralization idea itself that was unnatural. The underlying architecture of the internet already provides a universal platform on which anyone can talk to anyone else about any topic.