I mentioned that I want to find a use case for TaskPaper, because I adore the app. Turns out™ it’s actually pretty good at being a journal and an outliner app. I created a new file and started logging today’s stuff. This is what it looks like.
It is a mix between a capture tool, a journaling tool, and a temporary task management tool. Basically the digital replica of my Field Notes notebook.
@zsbenke I actually have to do ::wrist excerises::, because broke my wrist about 8 weeks ago.
could you be more detailed, pls?
I’ll, but I just started to use this system yesterday so I’m in the setup phase still.
I have some cool automations already, which I’ll share.
Hi Zsolt,
Could you please share your task paper theme ?
Looks amazing 🙂
There you go. It’s a fork of Merlin Mann’s TP config files. https://github.com/zsbenke/taskpaper-config
Hi Zsolt,
can you please share this taskpaper theme ?