Here are a couple of highlights from Why I Make Minimal Use of Social Media:

I have a relative who loves to post about their perfect, loving family, filling their Facebook feed with happy family photos. But, as you might guess, they conveniently leave out the reality of their many conflicts and challenges. It’s a polished image that doesn’t show the truth.

Nobody’s gonna share their struggles and failures as much as their fun times, so I think this behavior is just for display. Remember that when you see something like this, it’s just a snapshot of their day. Nothing more, nothing less.

There are other ways to keep in touch with family members and friends. Emails and texts can be addressed to a group of contacts or individuals. By not using social media yourself, you can discourage others from using it as their preferred way to “keep in touch.”

I never emailed any of my friends, but we usually keep in touch via text messages. Texting is like having a peer-to-peer social network.