I created a shortcut which can export the current Bike selection to a new Markdown file in my Zettelkasten.
It doesn’t sync like my publish script does with WordPress, but it was easier to implement, since copy and paste between Drafts and Bike works pretty well.
The shortcut just cleans up the text and sets the title if it’s needed.
Otherwise it will create a headless zettel.
At the end it opens the note in The Archive app where I can edit it, or publish it using Git.
This shortcut actually uses the following apps.
Keyboard Maestro to copy and paste the text from Bike to Drafts.
Shortcuts to clean-up the Markdown output.
Then Drafts to create a new Markdown file in my Zettelkasten.
In the video Archive complains about the “writing test”.
It’s not related to the shortcut.