How I download YouTube videos into DEVONthink automatically.
1. While browsing YouTube or checking my subscriptions from Reeder, I can save videos to my Decoding playlist.
2. By subscribing to the channel using its hidden RSS feed from DEVONthink, I can get saved videos into my Decoding database.
3. DEVONthink watches this RSS feed via a smart rule and downloads videos using
Here’s a screenshot of the rule and the attached script.
I use
because it’s faster than youtube-dl lately. -
I use a custom “Seen” field to mark videos in the RSS feed as downloaded, so the script downloads them only once.
4. The script saves videos into my inbox folder at
~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Inbox
, which automatically gets imported by DEVONthink. -
5. From here, I can organize downloaded videos, start watching them and take notes.