@zsbenke @jasonekratz @numericcitizen

Yep. Tech pundits, bored, frustrated, some mix of both maybe. It feels like a created drama and a bit performative.

I generally consider Jason S pretty level headed, thoughtful and one of the few actual journalists amongst a crowd of pundits. Even so, it seems like every site, every podcast, is now just about the rumors and speculation.

All that said, 13 years into the iPad and on the one hand you’ve got all these Mac users that are just frustrated the iPad is not a Mac and that the Mac still doesn’t have touch. And at the core of the debate is Federico, “the iPad Guy” who in their closed circle the authority and the only voice of to be listened to. Given their megaphones, it concerns me that their amplified and constant complaining will drown out those of us that are generally happy with the progress made thus far.