@ChrisJWilson @zsbenke
Strongly agreed! It’s unfortunate that Federico has such a magnified voice thanks to his podcasts and website. I suspect it creates a false impression, gives far too much weight to the idea that more advanced users are unhappy with the iPad. I’ve long thought that he would be better served with a Mac. Instead he’s just gotten increasingly frustrated trying to make the iPad do what it doesn’t do. Same goes for all of the other Mac pundits that have spent more energy complaining that the iPad isn’t a Mac rather than make a real effort to learn what iPadOS does in 2023.

I’ve blogged several times (You liked/mentioned one of my posts) about how these guys seemingly have made no effort to learn any of the new features that have been introduced over the past 2-3 years.

And yeah, all these same pundits love to go on about supporting third party developers (the recent, incessant preaching to everyone that they should support Tapbots and the Iconfactory comes to mind) and yet, when it comes to the iPad, they ignore some great developers that have produced some fantastic pro-level apps.

Thanks for writing your post. I suspect there are lots of us that enjoy and appreciate the iPad and iPadOS for what it is and where it seems to be going. Hopefully Apple isn’t overly swayed by the negativity.