I’d recommend KeePass compatibles:
– “Strongbox” offers native apps for ios and macos, can do subscription or one time payment. It’s integrated with Autofill feature, works perfectly on ios. However on macos Autofill doesn’t work with browsers other than Safari yet.
– If you don’t mind Electron, why not try “Keeweb”? Completely free and opensource, crosses all platforms, and it has a reasonable memory usage on mac. (see the end of: https://github.com/keeweb/keeweb/issues/1580)
– Also “KeePassXC” works fine on windows and mac, writen in C++ with a QT UI. Memory usage is very small on windows (~50m), larger on mac (~200m) but very stable.
One good thing about Keepass is that, you can use a KeyFile to encrypt databases along with your master password, just like 1password’s secrete key. If you distribute your keyfile offline between your devices, it will significantly enhance the isotropy of the database’s encryption.